St RCHF family social support in cases of hardship.
We never simply like many charity NGOs give a packet of aid and walk away as this solves nothing for a family. We make a social information document with the families support once a family in difficulties comes to our attention. Within this report we record all family members by name, address, age, and income gained within the family by any means including any child allowance or other payments. We gain basic health information on the family members as is important to know if any members of a family suffer any illness and either are undergoing or require treatment by a medical specialist as here charges are involved, which the family probably can ill afford. We ascertain if charges for rent and mains services are paid or in arrears, plus check if children are at school or not and if basic home hygiene standards are being upheld.
We also check by other means to ascertain that we have the correct information on any family in need that we help.
St RCHF works hand in hand with families in difficulty as they too have in our opinion a large part to play in raising their standards and lifestyle. We make a joint plan of progress and each month re assess to ascertain if the standard has been met, if not we recap and try again and if the standard set jointly by St RCHF and the family has been achieved move on to a higher level to achieve that target and so on until we have helped the family to a far better standard of living.
Romania has been in recent years destroyed socially speaking as the majority of factories and workplaces have closed since the end of communism whilst others are on short term work with sub standard salaries paid that are below what a family can live reasonably on today in a country with the highest price rises yearly within the EU for basic services and food products (EC statistics 2013 report)
This means that millions are out of work with no place to go and with no jobs on offer, thus time is spent at home. In the last year St RCHF provided a worthy job for many of these people after we received a large donation of vegetable seeds from a sponsor in The Netherlands. The project named ‘Grow your own” provided each of well over 100 families with a pack containing all the vegetables in pack of seeds that a Romanian housewife would have in her kitchen, but who in these socially affected families simply could not afford. Suddenly there was action as gardens that hadn’t been planted for years were having the land prepared for planting by out of work family members including women in mono parent families with their children joining in too. Throughout the spring and summer months until harvest the gardens were weeded of weeds and water applied to the plants which were tendered with care. The result was a good harvest and families having vegetables for several months ahead that they had themselves grown. All far better than us giving weekly vegetables as now the families had produced themselves and had the satisfaction of achieving this as well as being occupied.
St RCHF in ways like this helps families that also help themselves to a better lifestyle and we work together as a team.
Throughout the year with some support also from people we collaborate with we help children in these deserving families, like one child we took to an options for an eye test and new spectacles as his family simply could not afford such luxuries on their low income. In another family we took a child from Dorohoi town to hospital in Iasi City over 200km away for a heart check up with a specialist. Food and hygiene aids are always in need and we support this in cases of extreme hardship with a family that keeps its children clean, sees they go to school and are children whom are receptive to their parents at home. Many a child in these families gets maybe only 1 meal a day and we make certain including via the grow your own project and food aid supplies that there is enough food for children to have 2 decent meals a day including meat, cheese and fish as well as vegetables and milk weekly along with soap, shampoo and cleaning aids within the family home to address basic hygiene requirements.
If a family has say a broken glass in a window we will pay for new glass and they will themselves fit the glass to their window as their part of the collaboration between us.
At Easter, St Nicolas day and Christmas we also make certain that each child in the social families receives presents as again many simply are in families who cant afford even the basics.
Why do we help the poor and needy?
Because for the love of God, if we were in his or her situation of hopelessness we would hope that someone would help us so we could get back on our feet again.
You are welcome to help also by supporting St RCHF (see page named Your support Counts.)
Romanian letter Child protection dec 2019
Translation Letter Child protection dec 2019