Christmas joy for every child in need!
Every child no matter in which family they live in or if in state care deserves special treatment at Christmas as Easter alike. Sadly though in Eastern Europe there are children whose families have no means to purchase Christmas presents or Easter Eggs at Easter for their children because of reduced financial circumstances and naturally a child feels this and suffers trauma often unseen.
Via the sheer kindness of UK supporters each year at KAOS we are able to provide children in families in difficulty and children in care of the state Christmas presents which we deliver to each child throughout the north east hard hit counties of Romania supported by Police officers especially within Suceava Police Inspectorate were St RCHF has an official ongoing collaboration.
At Easter also St RCHF via its partners is able to deliver Easter joy to children in need all of which shows children in difficulty that they are not forgotten and are equal to all children.
We are the lucky ones who see the sheer joy these donations bring to every child and our sincere thanks go to all who support this project yearly.